1. Consume green salad as often as you can – it has lots of vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A and C, B1, B2, calcium and potassium. It is also reach in fiber.
2. Consume brown rice and not white rice. Naturally, the brown rice has more fiber and riboflavin (vitamin B2) and less sugar than white rice. It is digested slower (which is a good thing ) and is more satious.
3. Give up white bread in favor of whole wheat bread. This type of bread has more fiber, iron and potassium. Slice by slice, it is more satisfactory and satious than white bread.
4. Drink more tea: black, green and herbal instead of mineral water. These teas contain antioxidants and substances that improve your overall health. Unlike sparkling water, with tea you can control the sugar content you eat.
5. Choose whole grains and bran cereals instead of those with a high sugar content. Natural bran cereals have more protein, fiber, calcium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin B1, B2 and B3 than semipreparated cereals.
On the other hand, they contain less sugar, digest slower and are more satious. So you have more energy throughout the day and you will not be hungry so quickly.
6. Choose soy milk instead of cow milk. Soy milk contains no cholesterol or hormones and has a very low content of saturated fat. It also contains substances beneficial for health and helps absorption of calcium, vitamin D and B6, and even some antioxidants such as vitamin A, C and E.
7. For dessert, choose sherbet made of natural fruits instead of ice-cream. Dried fruits do not contain fat and cholesterol and have more fiber. They are also full of antioxidants (vitamin A and C) and contain substances beneficial for your health.